Detect Intruders 7 Meters Away with Hikvision


Thermographic Turret Camera

Hikvision provides surveillance gadgets and vertical market solutions to consumers around the globe. They are ranked #1 as the market share leader globally for the past five years and are dedicated to providing global resources and locally-based technical, engineering, sales and service supports to its valued customers.

Elevated Skin Temperature Screening Thermographic Cameras

Announced on May 8th, Hikvision Canada has released a new line used to detect elevated skin-surface temperatures and more. The line logically named Elevated Skin Temperature Screening Thermographic Cameras and is available in several housing models that include a handheld model and bi-spectrum bullets and turrets. The camera uses advanced detectors and algorithms which can detect skin-surface temperature with an accuracy of up to -/+ 0.5 degrees Celsius. Using the Hikvision Black Body Calibrator accessory, it can reach up to -/+ 0.3 degrees Celsius.

In terms of distance, the camera can safely detect elevated skin-surface temperatures 7 meters (23 feet) away. This takes only 1 second! Another great benefit? All models can be mounted onto a tripod, although for temporary usages. Certain models, specifically the bullet and turret models can be mounted onto fixed structures permanently. The cameras also include sounding temperature alarms and a 4MP or 8MP optical camera. Thermal cameras are often used in airports but can apply for home security as well.

Hikvision is a leading security device provider and you can protect your home with the integration of Hikvision products. Contact the HomeForce team today to learn more about these products and allow us to help you create a safe and protected home environment.