You love your home, and you want nothing but the best for it. You clean it, you air it, you even plant the best flowers to improve its outer appearance. But no matter your lawn care efforts , your curb appeal is no match to that of your neighbors’. The grass is always greener on their side. But here’s a little secret, the grass is not always greener on the other side, it’s greener where its maintained. Here are five important things to do to improve your lawn’s appearance and maintain your curb appeal in tip top shape throughout the Spring and Summer.
- Get New Sod Rolls
If your lawn is patchy, dried out, and simply refuses to grow green and healthy, it’s a sign that you need fresh new sod rolls in your backyard and front lawn. Many HomeForce customers have improved the appearance of their home and increased its’ value using our lawn care services. Within a day, your home will be surrounded with beautiful green grass. However, sod rolls usually take two to three weeks to root and establish where it is placed before you’re able to do any sort of activities on your new lawn.

Sod rolls are an option with multiple benefits. Apart from getting instant results, this option is great for erosion control and results in significantly less weed growth. Keep in mind, the best time to replace your unappealing lawn is during the spring, summer’s high heat levels can stunt the establishment and growth of your sod roll. Get an appointment with HomeForce’s lawn care services in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Maple Ridge, Langley, Surrey, Richmond, and Burnaby, before the summer heat beginnings by clicking here!
- Fertilizer
Now that HomeForce’s lawn care services has replaced your patchy and unhealthy lawn with new sod rolls, you have to maintain that gorgeous curb appeal enhanced by your healthy lawn. Fertilizers are a great provider of nutrition for your lawn, and as your grass continues to grow, the more nutrient it uses and needs. Sure, it might not have an appealing aroma, but fertilizing your lawn one to three times every year will make a huge difference in maintaining a healthy lawn. For maximum result, fertilize your lawn early spring, late spring, and towards the last summer days.
- Water Sprinklers
During the Spring, your grass is getting an abundance of water and moisture. Lawns look their best during this season. They thrive, they grow, and flourish during spring season due to all the rain. However, Summer can be a trying time for your lawn. Your lawn should be watered every day for the best result but very few people have the time to do so. Therefore, we greatly encourage home owners to invest in lawn sprinklers. Depending on the size of your lawn, you will not be spending more thank $100 on your sprinklers. Attach your sprinkler system to your hose, turn it on, and continue to attend to your busy schedule.
- Cut your Lawn Regularly
Now that your lawn is even, full of nutrition, and provided with sufficient water and moisture and you’re seeing results, do not slack! Make sure you maintain a groomed lawn. Nothing says “uncared for home that probably has a hundred things wrong with due to lack of maintenance” more than sky-reaching grass stems. We advise that you do not let your lawn reach an unattractive length before mowing it. To keep a tamed and healthy lawn, mow it once a week. On a beautiful Saturday morning, make it a point to groom that lawn or pay your, or your neighbor’s, kid to do it! Whichever way works best for you, simply make sure your grass is groomed, and your curb appeal remains incomparable.
- Trim Your Grass Edges!
This step is gravely underestimated, and probably the step that will edge your curb appeal ahead of your neighbors’. Clean cut lines are what makes your exterior look like art, a million dollar paradise visual art. Little details, such as trimmed grass edges, are what pulls everything together. It’s like cleaning up your hairline after a nice haircut or putting on a nice pair of earrings for that extra ‘wow!’ factor. So it is very important to keep your grass edges from overflowing onto your driveway or crawling up your fences, keep them short and neat! Edge trimming only takes a few minutes but makes a huge difference in the visual presentation of your lawn.
There you have it, all the secret to obtain and maintain a beautiful lawn. A healthy lawn greatly impacts your curb appeal, and great curb appeal is what makes a Star Home. When you get new sod rolls installed by HomeForce’s professional team, make sure you maintain the beauty of your exterior property by fertilizing, watering, mowing, and edge trimming your healthy lawn. Not only will you have one of the best looking lawn on the block, you’ll have the best curb appeal in the real estate market. A maintained home is a valuable home, invest in the outer appearance of your home always.